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Spectators vs. Participants

April 7, 2021 @ 6:00 pm

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Y’all asked and the Millennials have listened! Candid Conversations will be open to everyone on the first Wednesday of each month, as they enter into a new worship experience “Straight Talk, No Chaser” a worship experience that will be as open and candid as the group has come to be known for! Mark your calendars now for the first sermon “Spectators vs. Participants” a sermon by Minister Michelle Kinard, which will kick off the month long worship experience surrounding “Faith”’ Come and see what everyone has been talking about! This millennial group is on fire for the Lord and this worship experience will be a great midweek boost! Follow NWM Got Soul on Facebook and Instagram for more information!


April 7, 2021
6:00 pm
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